Monday, January 23, 2012

Kodak, You Will Be Missed

The biggest name in film photography, the first company to introduce personal handheld cameras, the makers of the absolute best film, has come to an end. Kodak has just declared bankruptcy. While it may not be quite the end of Kodak's life, you can be sure that they will never ever be the same. For anyone who ever shot film, take a minute to mourn Kodak. My very first camera was a Kodak...
Archipelago Photography- islands of thought and image, connected with a name

Punk Rock Ballerina

This here is my little sister, Maggie. She and I are 3 years apart in age, and very close friends. Because of that, she ends up being my model all the time. She is also a fantastic dancer and a very graceful ballerina. I've been doing a little photography with her dancing for the past week or so, and here are two of the photographs I've made.
Archipelago Photography- islands of thought and image, connected with a name